Creating and supporting a compelling branding strategy is at the core of successful marketing. Speaking to the consumer with the right messages and marketing communications tactics is essential. ConsumerQuest are specialists in defining a product/brand’s unique selling proposition, determining how to position it in the marketplace versus competitors, understanding where gaps and opportunities exist in the target audience’s mindset, and identifying which messages resonate most.
ConsumerQuest uses advanced focus group moderating and qualitative techniques to design and conduct focus group sessions that yield tremendous insight into the imagery, messages, and real meaning of brands and products. We consistently hear from our clients that we provide unmatched interpretation of qualitative group results which glean critical marketing elements, including messaging, communications points, selling propositions, tag-lines, logos, brand names, etc.
We use a variety of quantitative techniques depending on the particular needs of the client. From perceptual maps and quadrant analysis to multivariate work such as cluster analysis, factor analysis, TURF, stepwise regression, discriminant analysis, conjoint analysis, ConsumerQuest will choose and customize the proper solution for your particular needs.