Dependable Quantitative Field & Tab

We thrive on challenging projects, whether it require a hard-to-reach respondent audience, precision handling of product, or complex rotation of stimuli and question frames. Here’s a partial list of the many varied types of studies we’ve done:

Tracking studies (Awareness, attitudes, & usage)
New product viability tests (Sales forecasts)
Product features optimization (Conjoint testing)
Cluster & factor analysis
TURF (Total Unduplicated Reach & Frequency) Analysis
Perceptual mapping
Concept tests
Brand/product positioning
Package design research
Customer satisfaction studies
Public opinion polling
Taste tests
Trade research
Category studies
Price elasticity studies
Franchise impact assessment
Legal claims substantiation

Advertising and promotion Advertising and promotion research is critical to ensure that your advertisements speak to your target market—and translate into increased sales. ConsumerQuest regularly conducts ad and copy testing for clients to measure the effectiveness of various marketing materials before they hit the market. We also conduct tracking studies to changes brought on by advertising campaigns.

Advertising recall
Advertising persuasion tests
Ad claims substantiation
Communications tests
Copy testing
Ad tracking studies